4 Human Resource Planning Strategies for Recruitment

human resource planning strategies

Effective recruitment is not just about filling vacancies. It’s about forecasting your organization’s needs and finding individuals who will grow with your company and drive it forward. Use these foundational human resource planning strategies to ensure alignment with your organizational goals and achieve better hiring outcomes!

The Importance of Strategic Human Resource Planning

Developing a human resource planning strategy is an integral part of aligning your HR functions with your company’s business objectives. It involves forecasting your organization’s future human resource needs and developing strategies for meeting these needs through recruitment, training, or other methods. This alignment is essential for ensuring that your company has the right talent in the right positions to successfully achieve its goals.

Developing Effective Recruitment Strategies

Of course, forecasting the future needs of your workforce starts with analyzing and developing a thorough understanding of your existing team. This involves identifying the skills, experiences, and competencies that your organization currently possesses in comparison to specific performance indicators. The objective is to identify talent gaps that you may need to fill in the future based on predicted industry trends. You can then use this research to begin creating a recruitment plan that includes strategies for recruiting new talent, developing existing employees, or restructuring teams to better align with your company’s goals.

Identifying Recruitment Channels

While you might be tempted to quickly begin sourcing talent, it’s critical to pause and carefully consider where to find your ideal candidates. There are several important recruitment channels. While each option has pros and cons, the best strategy usually involves leveraging a combination of the following:

  • Online Job Boards: Benefits include broad exposure and accessibility to a diverse candidate pool, but could potentially lead to an overwhelming number of applicants who may not meet your criteria.
  • Social Media Platforms: Tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram provide targeted advertising and the ability to interact directly with potential candidates. However, these channels require constant monitoring and engagement strategies to be effective.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Offer specialized services and access to a network of passive candidates, but many agencies come with a hefty retainer fee. Whereas, The Connors Group offers its search services on a contingency basis, meaning we receive compensation only once we have successfully filled your position!
  • College Career Services: You gain direct access to fresh talent and the opportunity for early career engagement. The obvious drawback is that the experience level of potential candidates limits you. However, depending on your requirements, this could be an exceptional talent source!

Lastly, remember: Your applicant tracking system (ATS) is not just for streamlining the recruitment process. While your ATS makes managing applications and resumes for active candidates easier, it is often overlooked as an extremely rich source of talent. You spend a lot of time and money attracting talent to your organization and it’s not possible to hire every “A-player” right away. Consider incorporating a re-engagement program in your human resource planning strategy to nurture relationships with passive candidates who have previously expressed interest in joining your organization.

Building Employer Branding

A strong employer brand is essential for attracting top talent. This means leveraging your recruitment channels to showcase your company’s culture, values, and the benefits of working for your organization. Effective employer branding communicates why your company is a great place to work and why top candidates should choose you over your competitors. For example:

  1. Weave employee testimonials, success stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your workplace through various media channels such as your company website, social media platforms, and recruitment marketing materials.
  2. Engage in community events and professional networks to amplify your presence and attractiveness as an employer.
  3. Build a strong employer value proposition (EVP) that clearly articulates the unique benefits and opportunities your company offers. For instance, you might highlight career development programs, work-life balance initiatives, competitive compensation packages, or an inclusive company culture.

When you consistently communicate these employer brand elements across all candidate touchpoints, you are also building a compelling narrative that resonates and attracts ideal candidates!

Standardizing The Selection Process

Implementing a formal selection process is crucial for several reasons, each contributing to the overall effectiveness, fairness, and efficiency of hiring within any organization. In fact, standardizing (and documenting) your candidate selection process is important for the following reasons:

  • Ensures Consistency and Fairness: Establishes standard protocols for all recruitment efforts, ensuring the evaluation of every candidate using the same criteria and methods.
  • Improves Hiring Quality: By defining clear selection criteria and structured evaluation methods, organizations can more accurately identify candidates who best match the job requirements and company culture.
  • Legal Compliance: Protects against legal challenges related to discrimination or unfair hiring practices and provides a defense if anyone ever questions hiring decisions in a legal context.
  • Enhances Candidate Experience: As applicants understand what to expect at each stage, this can enhance the organization’s reputation among potential employees and within a wider market.
  • Streamlines Recruitment Efforts: Allows for more efficient use of time and resources during recruitment. It streamlines the approach to screening, assessing, and interviewing candidates, quickens the hiring process, and ensures prompt filling of vacancies.
  • Facilitates Continuous Improvement: Makes it easier to review and refine recruitment strategies. For instance, HR managers can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement, applying lessons learned to make the process more effective with each iteration.
  • Enhances Accountability and Transparency: Provides clear guidelines for HR staff and hiring managers, outlining their responsibilities and the standards they need to uphold. This accountability ensures alignment among everyone involved in the hiring process and contributes to a transparent, objective selection process.

As organizations grow, their hiring needs become more complex. Initiating a formal selection process allows scaling with the organization, offering a foundation for necessary adjustments and expansions. This scalability also maintains the quality of hiring even as the volume of recruitment increases.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement

Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and the diversity of new hires can offer deeper insights into the efficiency and inclusivity of the recruitment process. Monitoring the source of hire is also crucial, as it helps identify which recruitment channels are most fruitful, allowing for strategic allocation of resources towards the most effective platforms.

Furthermore, analyzing candidate feedback on the recruitment experience can highlight opportunities to enhance interaction and communication, improving the employer’s brand perception in the job market. By regularly reviewing these metrics and adjusting recruitment strategies accordingly, organizations can continuously refine their approach to attract and retain top talent more effectively. This approach to tracking and responding to recruitment KPIs ensures that the organization remains competitive and adaptive in a constantly changing talent acquisition landscape.

Always keep in mind, evaluating whether a candidate is qualified for a position can take weeks or months. In fact, the average hiring process takes around 43 days and involves conducting multiple rounds of interviews. Yet, according to the PwC Future of Recruiting Survey, “Sixty percent of candidates said the hiring process should take less than a month from the time they submit an application.” While it’s not always possible to speed up the hiring process, there are several ways to maximize downtime with candidates while your team is deliberating. Be sure to explore these six interview strategies to keep your candidates engaged during a longer-than-average hiring process!


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