The Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing

Before the Interview:
DO speak with your Recruiter to prepare for the interview and obtain insight into the hiring process.
DON’T skip the necessary step of proactively researching the company on your own.

DO dress conservatively; aim for business attire. When unsure; always dress up rather than dress down.
DON’T underestimate the impact of a sincere smile and friendly hello in first impressions.

DO bring several copies of your Connors Group resume and a list of reference contacts for employment verification.
DON’T write “see resume” or overlook any required sections of your application; fill it out neatly and completely.

DO plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before an interview; build in extra time for yourself for delays in transit.
DON’T wait until the day of the interview to improvise; be proactive in prepare inquiries in advance.

DO give a firm handshake, make direct eye contact, and refer to the interviewer by his/her surname.
DON’T forget to bring a pen and notebook to take notes before, during, and after the interview.

DO psyche yourself up! It’s O.K. to be nervous. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
DON’T be unprepared for the interview. You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression.


During the Interview:
DO be yourself. People can tell when you are faking it. Maintain a positive attitude. Life is good!
DON’T ever say anything negative. Be careful when talking about past and present employers.

DO be confident; you are the kind of professional this employer needs!
DON’T appear inflexible to learn something new regardless of prior experience.

DO represent yourself honestly; remain professional and authentic.
DON’T hesitate to admit when you don’t know the answer to something.

DO maintain direct eye contact and sit up straight.
DON’T get too comfortable regardless of how friendly your prospective manager appears.

DO ask questions about the position, company and the interviewer. Request clarity when necessary.
DON’T be redundant when questions you prepared in advance are addressed in conversation.

DO focus on the unique benefits of your skillset and how they can meet the needs of the employer.
DON’T directly inquire about company salary, benefits, or what they can do for you.


After the Interview:
DO call your recruiter to provide feedback from the interview within the same business day, when possible.
DON’T wait more than 24 hours to email or drop off a thank you letter.

Image via TeroVesalainen • Pixabay

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